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The RedLetterMedia thread

Started by AliasTheCat, October 24, 2019, 10:21:51 AM

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About time they had a thread of their own.
I can see why they're not to everyone's taste, but I've long found them one of the more consistently entertaining channels on YouTube.
Highlights include the Plinkett reviews of the Star Wars prequels and Next Gen movies https://www.youtube.com/user/RedLetterMedia/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=11 , Half in the Bag's meticulous deconstruction of Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXNsT7-Lwsk and pretty much any episode of Best of the Worst where the films they watch give them something to work with (or when the Canadians pay a visit).
I also find myself missing Pre-Rec's games reviews, although they became increasingly sporadic latterly, and do hope they could be tempted into making more if the right game(s) came along.

Also, It's just nice to see older, fatter people doing well out of YouTube.

Any thoughts?


Definitely into older fatter gimps being able to have a crack on youtube. Sometimes their film opinions are a bit guff but yeah one of the few 3 or so youtube channels worth the abysmal medium.

Famous Mortimer

I have a burned VHS tape of "Return of the Jedi" mounted on a wooden plinth, signed, that they used as a prop in a very early video then sold on eBay around the time of the episode 2 review (I was one of their first...20,000?...subscribers, but as I first heard about them on here I'm sure there are a few CaBbers who've been a fan of their stuff longer than me).

They did a couple of really weird videos where it's just a slideshow of their VHS collection with Mike reading the titles, mostly so they can be tagged on hundreds of IMDB pages without having to do much of anything, which I liked the idea of.


Quote from: Famous Mortimer on October 24, 2019, 02:53:29 PM
I have a burned VHS tape of "Return of the Jedi" mounted on a wooden plinth, signed, that they used as a prop in a very early video then sold on eBay around the time of the episode 2 review (I was one of their first...20,000?...subscribers, but as I first heard about them on here I'm sure there are a few CaBbers who've been a fan of their stuff longer than me).

They did a couple of really weird videos where it's just a slideshow of their VHS collection with Mike reading the titles, mostly so they can be tagged on hundreds of IMDB pages without having to do much of anything, which I liked the idea of.

Yes and, to my shame, I watched both of those videos in their entirety. It must have been a loooong recording day and you can hear Mike giggling at some of the sillier titles.

I think I first became aware of them around the time of the Jack and Jill review. I seem to remember that one doing the rounds online.



The Best of the Worst Spotlight episodes are generally fantastic, especially The Last Vampire on Earth, Partners and Lycan Colony.

Seriously, if you've never seen RLM before, settle in with a bottle of wine and watch those.


The Last Vampire on Earth is a great one. They don't mention some of the other films that the director has made. These are all real:
Men in Suits
Taekwondo Kid
Cast Away

Space ghost

I really like their output but feel that new viewers should at least be warned about the potential hurdle that is the sound of Rich Evans' laughter.

A horrible, shrieking noise that still goes right through me after all these years.

Bad Ambassador

The discussion about the Mexican Santa Claus film that dissolves into all of them screaming with laughter at the thought of a beach full of dead kids was something special.

As was Mike's commentary to Rich's phone call during the Star Wars Holiday Special episode.

And more recently, playing Jenga with a giant tower of VHS tapes, which went on about three times longer than they'd intended, but when genuinely thrilling.

Famous Mortimer

Their commentary tracks, available for purchase, are pretty good too. I will pause a movie to go for a wee or get a cuppa, and resyncing the commentary on a different device is a pain, so I tend to wait for someone to put them up, pre-synced, on a torrent site (I will buy them, though).


Quote from: Bad Ambassador on October 24, 2019, 08:58:47 PM
The discussion about the Mexican Santa Claus film that dissolves into all of them screaming with laughter at the thought of a beach full of dead kids was something special.

As was Mike's commentary to Rich's phone call during the Star Wars Holiday Special episode.

And more recently, playing Jenga with a giant tower of VHS tapes, which went on about three times longer than they'd intended, but when genuinely thrilling.

I don't normally enjoy the Wheel of the Worst episodes quite as much, but the game of giant Jenga was amazing.
I also thoroughly enjoyed the retrospective of the Resident Evil movies where, having watched all the films back-to-back, they're reduced to hysterics by the action-packed ending to Resident Evil: Afterlife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPUPaxgIo98&t=28s

Absolutely love RLM, but for those thinking about dipping their toes into the channel, I will note that for me the incredibly popular Star Wars reviews are tedious and not at all representative of their other stuff. Don't get turned off if you don't like those.

Best of the Worst: Suburban Sasquatch is a great sampler

Quote from: Famous Mortimer on October 24, 2019, 09:02:12 PM
Their commentary tracks, available for purchase, are pretty good too. I will pause a movie to go for a wee or get a cuppa, and resyncing the commentary on a different device is a pain, so I tend to wait for someone to put them up, pre-synced, on a torrent site (I will buy them, though).

Most are all of them are free on Soundcloud (the commentaries not the movies). In my opinion the best things they've done.


I love their best of the worst videos, but couldn't really care less about all the sci fi stuff.


Quote from: Space ghost on October 24, 2019, 08:58:28 PM
I really like their output but feel that new viewers should at least be warned about the potential hurdle that is the sound of Rich Evans' laughter.

A horrible, shrieking noise that still goes right through me after all these years.

I disagree, I love Rich Evans laughter. I guess it could potentially put off new people but you quickly realise Rich is very insightful and hilarious. Him and Mike are such a great pairing.
I love RLM and watch pretty much all their content. So much of the quality is in how they edit their stuff. The only downside for me is Josh, I find him unacceptably shit. An absolute charisma black hole with his fake laugh and that annoying nerd thing of making a shit, unfunny joke then doing that quick breathing thing he does. Ugh. I wish they'd jettison him.

Other than that it's a great channel. Surprisingly compelling content. I do sometimes wonder if I have an issue as I'm so content to sit and watch other people discuss movies.

Big fan of them too. Loved Mr Plinkett's review of Star Wars. Absolutely fantastic insight and humour throughout all parts. Also loved the HITB of Ed Wood, in fact there are loads there.
Am I correct in picking up that they actually work as film editors too?



Just watching Rich and Mike crack up over Star Wars canon nonsense around Darth Vader's suit.

"Uuuh, aaah, owww my bone marrow"


I love that Macauley Culkin drops in to do Best Of The Worsts with them every now and again. Less so for Max Landis although I think he was only on 1? 

Old Nehamkin

Quote from: Blumf on October 25, 2019, 09:32:44 AM
Just watching Rich and Mike crack up over Star Wars canon nonsense around Darth Vader's suit.

"Uuuh, aaah, owww my bone marrow"

Watched this one several times and always do a huge laugh at "The Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Centre". I'd happily watch a series where Mike and Rich just read out Wookieepedia articles.


Complete and total dog shit feeding into the very worst and most reprehensible mire of nerd culture.


Quote from: Old Nehamkin on October 25, 2019, 10:07:40 AM
Watched this one several times and always do a huge laugh at "The Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Centre". I'd happily watch a series where Mike and Rich just read out Wookieepedia articles.

Yeah, that bit is absolutely brilliant. Pinnacle of the whole video.


Quote from: Pinckle Wicker on October 25, 2019, 08:44:23 AM
Big fan of them too. Loved Mr Plinkett's review of Star Wars. Absolutely fantastic insight and humour throughout all parts. Also loved the HITB of Ed Wood, in fact there are loads there.
Am I correct in picking up that they actually work as film editors too?

I'm pretty sure RLM is a full time gig for Mike, Jay and Rich, Josh and Jack not sure? Colin & Jim obviously work elsewhere.

I love their videoa but I really wish their hardcore fanbase could fucking do one, those witless dullards that constantly post the same unfunny memes under every single youtube video. I get the distinct impression they must loathe the fact that these morons are their bread and butter

The circumstances that led to Jessie quitting were depressingly shit as well(can't believe that was five years ago) She's real loss to the BOTW discussions.


I do like that they openly mocked their own fan base for those reasons. Their winding up of Collider and such like is always a joy. Don't always agree with their views (Mike seems deliberately contrarian at times), but they are always fun to watch.

And Rich's laugh is joyous.

Bad Ambassador

Landis only did one BotW, but it was one with a Neil Breen film which tend to yield excellent material.

Patton Oswald has also done one. In the most recent, there's a video with a bizarre Liberace type playing Christmas carols on an electric organ, and the group decide they want to remake it with Benedict Cumberbatch - who looks quite a lot like the musician. Given their increasing reach, I wouldn't rule out that actually happening.

Colin also hosts a fine podcast, No Such Thing as a Bad Movie, which covers two bad films every two weeks. His co-hosts are his wife and another Canadian film man, but Jim sat in for one episode. It's slightly different in tone, but still very enjoyable.


Quote from: madhair60 on October 25, 2019, 10:12:45 AM
Complete and total dog shit feeding into the very worst and most reprehensible mire of nerd culture.

You should watch one.


Quote from: madhair60 on October 25, 2019, 10:12:45 AM
Complete and total dog shit feeding into the very worst and most reprehensible mire of nerd culture.




Quote from: Bad Ambassador on October 25, 2019, 11:38:08 AM
Landis only did one BotW, but it was one with a Neil Breen film which tend to yield excellent material.
Which was as a result of his 'A conversation with' interview/discussion he did with them after his ego was bruised by their HitB review of American Ultra. Landis' contribution to that BotW set my teeth on edge, to be honest - he's always trying to be centre of attention and his haranguing of Rich was a bit much for being a relative stranger. If I remember righly he was the one who got Culkin involved with RLM though - he first appeared in a skit Landis shot in LA for the 'post credits' scene of that BotW I think?
Patton Oswald has also done one.
Having first appeared in a cameo as the Space Police Chief in Space Cop. I think that came about through  him being a fan of the Plinkett videos.

RLM started as a video production company doing wedding videos and corporate stuff. as late as 2012 they were still doing corporate videos for a local university in Wisconsin alongside the RLM stuff, but I think their Patreon has got to the point now where Mike, Jay and Rich can take a decent salary from it.



Quote from: JamesTC on October 25, 2019, 03:29:39 PM
Their funniest ever video is Rich unboxing the NerdBox and GeekCrate.

I love this beautiful moment of Rich pissing himself over the kind of mainstream geek shills they are parodying.



Happy to find so many CaBbers are fans of RLM. A few odds and sods:

Rich Evans Mispronouncing Words
Mike Stoklasa is Drunk
How Not to Make a Movie (documentary of their early days, really good)

Quote from: buzby on October 25, 2019, 02:34:54 PM
Which was as a result of his 'A conversation with' interview/discussion he did with them after his ego was bruised by their HitB review of American Ultra. Landis' contribution to that BotW set my teeth on edge, to be honest - he's always trying to be centre of attention and his haranguing of Rich was a bit much for being a relative stranger.

I'm pleased to say I was utterly repulsed by Landis right from the off, and refused to rewatch that Best of the Worst, even before he was revealed as an enormous cunt.

I do like it when Len Kabasinski shows up, his energy is different from the rest of the group. Colin and Jim and my favourites though. And I saw Colin the other week, buying popcorn at a Darkplace marathon here in Toronto.


Oh, I thought this was going to be that woman on Dragon's Den who went bust.