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The Life and Times of Tim/Ten-Year-Old Tom

Started by madhair60, June 21, 2024, 02:57:07 PM

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Love Tim, keep forgetting to get round to Tom. There's not much funnier than Tom bemusedly repeating something outlandish another character said.


strongly advise getting on that Tom

it's extremely good


Yeah used to love Tim (not quite as much as my wife did) but again neither of us really got into Tom, should give it another go

Magnum Valentino

Holy shit I didn't know Tom existed. It's just more Tim!

Agent Dunham

Tim is a marvel. What is this Tom you speak of?


Ten Year Old Tom is a follow-up to The Life and Times of Tim

trailer of course isn't great but both series are wonderful.

Solid Jim

I find it interesting to compare Life & Times of Tim with Curb. The central dynamic of each show is the mirror image of the other. Larry David tends to get in trouble because of things he has said/done on his own initiative, inevitably causing him some inconvenience down the line. Conversely, Tim gets in trouble (usually) from naively doing what other people suggest, and other than people getting angry with him there are (usually) no actual consequences. This is good, because to constantly punish Tim might frustrate the viewer's sense of natural justice.

A shame Tom was not renewed & I hope we have not seen the last of his shows.


Five total seasons isn't bad I'd say but yes, always up for more.

I've been working my way through The Life & Times of Tim recently, and I'm finishing up season one. Nothing especially revolutionary, but a good watchable show all the same.

Took a little while to get past the visuals, though. In its first season at least, it's probably one of the ugliest looking animated shows I've ever seen, and in some ways calling it an "animated" series feels a bit of a stretch. But I did get over it. I even sort of admire it now for having such cruddy visuals. In a world where it feels like everything's trying to be as lavish and sophisticated as possible, something that looks like this is quite refreshing.


Both shows are brilliant and more people should have seen them. Maybe Tom getting cancelled will eventually lead to Tim s4.

Agent Dunham


He'll just walk with a cane for the first half season. Maybe a head bandage too.
