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Iain Lee Patreon Podcasts

Started by Satchmo Distel, June 01, 2020, 10:04:00 AM

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The things is Iain, if you're reading, is that you can't really monetise pity. Not more than once at least.

Cold Meat Platter

Is he honestly still doing this? It's over, Iain.
There's a shortage of HGV drivers btw.


He was brilliant on Absolute Radio and LBC. I dunno. These days there's a spark gone from him. Maybe its maturity, but he doesnt do it for me anymore anytime I give it a go. Is Rob Burnett still on with him?

Is this whole "going out on his own" thing his doing or is it a decision he's had to make? Can he not make a living in proper broadcasting these days?


He's been sacked from all major broadcasters at least once, and there are really no radio outlets that do his kind of radio anymore.

talkRADIO was probably the last attempt we'll see in the UK for a talk-based station that wasn't news-only - at launch it leaned heavily into personality broadcasters and humour. Then it got bought by Murdoch and flipped to right-wing commentary; Iain didn't want to do that, lasted a lot longer than anyone thought he would, but ultimately got dropped.

He's admitted his heart isn't in it anymore on several occasions; he's re-training as a counsellor, but I think he wants to keep his hand in on the broadcasting where he can.

It's a shame radio doesn't want that kind of show anymore; sure, the fun broadcasters are still around in podcasts, and on streaming stations, but you don't get the fun of the confused random callers, instead you're limited to fans and regulars. The spark has to go out, at least partially, as a result.


I could be completely wrong here, but someone in the comedy business (which is both vague and not remotely impressive, because you'll probably never have heard of him) told me something about Lee being pretty much persona non grate these days because after his I'm A Celeb thing, he lied to ITV about falling down a well or something? Does this make sense to anyone? He tried to work his own story into their broadcast and they were like "fuck him we want nothing to do with him anymore."

This might sound fucking dumb as I was only half listening to this shit, but anyone have a clue what this is about?

I remember shortly after coming out of the jungle, he tried to stay in the headlines by making up stories, like he'd fallen down a well or that he'd been attacked by an owl and shit like that, there was a new every week it seemed.

He must have mentioned it on GMTV when he was there to review the telly or whatever they had him in for and decided they didn't want him doing that sort of thing.

Big Mclargehuge

Quote from: EggsLikeABird on November 27, 2021, 10:03:37 PMI could be completely wrong here, but someone in the comedy business (which is both vague and not remotely impressive, because you'll probably never have heard of him) told me something about Lee being pretty much persona non grate these days because after his I'm A Celeb thing, he lied to ITV about falling down a well or something? Does this make sense to anyone? He tried to work his own story into their broadcast and they were like "fuck him we want nothing to do with him anymore."

This might sound fucking dumb as I was only half listening to this shit, but anyone have a clue what this is about?

I know shortly after his stint in "Im a celeb" he came out with a story that he was walking through some fields and fell down an old well, and couldnt get phone signal (then his phone broke) and he had to be rescued by some ramblers. it was all bollocks and anyone listening to the radio show at the time knew it was typical Lee bollocks, but its a bit of light humour.

I could totally believe he tried to take it onto ITV as a "genuine" news piece and they'd tell him to get fucked for it.

Around the same time he claimed he got attacked by an owl that left him with serious cuts, bruises and a complex towards owls...he does it sometimes I imagine because it makes him laugh at the absurdity (and the fact he's VERY aware of the fact he's a bit Partridge-esq)

Twonty Gostelow

They gave him the prestigious 6.50am slot.


The well thing was an incredibly obvious "bit", wasn't it? Says a lot about the current state of the UK comedy industry if someone within it couldn't recognise that. It was clearly a comedic stunt. Whether it was a *good* comedic stunt isn't really the point - it was an obvious one.

I'm assuming the issue was that he sold it to ITV as something that genuinely happened and that he was more than happy for the other presenters to make light of it.
Probably almost everyone knew it was a bit but there'll have been some numbskull higher up who took it at face value, or wasn't in on the gag, found out a few days later, felt daft, got angry, you know how these things go.

If the story that ITV washed their hands of him over that is true, of course.
I have my doubts. They'll usually employ people who do well on their reality shows for bits like that as a trial run and they usually drop them after their flavour of the month appeal has worn off. If he was any good or the viewers warmed to him, he would have still been there.

Rolf Lundgren


I've never listened to his radio shows, but as a TV presence there has always been something unpleasant, awkward and uncomfortable about him, which really comes across in that clip.   


I dont know how he can do the act he was famous for on LBC and Absolute. His whole game was basically bullying the caller and acting like he's better than everyone. Sort of hard to do that in this day and age, or as a bloke in his 40s.

He's really frustrating with this stuff, rather than knuckling down on Twitch or Radio Anywhere and consistently delivering a reliable and good show (I'm not much of a fan but know he has a dedicated fanbase who love it) that helps build his audience he seems to favour an all or nothing approach.

All of his latest projects have started with positive intentions and people having goodwill towards it and then he throws it away by getting in a huff before it's even found it's feet and covering it in an off-putting stench of desperation that feels more like a pity listen/watch/donation rather than paying because you're loving what he's doing. It's counter-productive and I wish someone would have a word.

Ham Bap

Anyone on Twitch who tried to be constructive or had a word usually got ridiculed and banned from chat.
The Twitch show was technical problems for minimum of 40 minutes every show, then missed shows/cancelled shows/shows abruptly abandoned.
Then you're sat there wondering what you're paying for or what the 'schedule' is meant to be.

His Patreon every month slowly climbs to 600 patrons then by the 1st of the month goes back to 550. Rinse and repeat.
That's his audience who want to pay for his output 550-600.

I loved his TalkRadio show, barely missed an episode but I've been turned off by it all the past couple of years. It's just got annoying.

Needs to be more professional akin to what Danny Baker does, who has 1840 patrons paying between £5 and £6.66 a month.
Over 10k a month.


QuoteYou will get a daily Iain & Katherine podcast lasting about 45 minutes. Generally 3 podcasts a week.


Cold Meat Platter

Quote from: madhair60 on December 02, 2021, 10:31:36 PMWhat?

I think it means "there is a gulf between reality and what Iain believes reality to be"


(adds nothing)


I've always found it amazing how he can claim to be picked on and bullied within the industry, when his whole career has been built on cheap shots and hacky shite like calling people "mental" and "bummers" and calling women "ugly" and being a twat on air. Probably time to just hang it up, because I doubt there's enough people out there who still like him enough to keep him in bread and milk.

How much could he be paying his producer? He seems to be there all the fucking time with him. Im amazed there's enough money to keep him going let alone a producer.


Quote from: EggsLikeABird on December 07, 2021, 04:32:27 PMI've always found it amazing how he can claim to be picked on and bullied within the industry, when his whole career has been built on cheap shots and hacky shite like calling people "mental" and "bummers" and calling women "ugly" and being a twat on air. Probably time to just hang it up, because I doubt there's enough people out there who still like him enough to keep him in bread and milk.

That's not been his act in well over a decade. It really, really hasn't.


Quote from: EggsLikeABird on December 07, 2021, 04:32:27 PMI've always found it amazing how he can claim to be picked on and bullied within the industry, when his whole career has been built on cheap shots and hacky shite like calling people "mental" and "bummers" and calling women "ugly" and being a twat on air.
Yeah, he's a guy who's moaned about Red Dwarf being nothing other than people saying "smeg" and then when people say he's talking crap he goes online to rant about Red Dwarf fans all being "fat virgins". A deeply unpleasant human being.

Quote from: purlieu on December 07, 2021, 10:16:05 PMYeah, he's a guy who's moaned about Red Dwarf being nothing other than people saying "smeg" and then when people say he's talking crap he goes online to rant about Red Dwarf fans all being "fat virgins". A deeply unpleasant human being.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm not a big Iain Lee fan, but as thr0b said, this is also not representative of how he is now, he said that "fat virgin" line in 2008...


he just doesn't seem like a particularly insightful, interesting or amusing person to spend time listening to, I'm not really sure what the appeal is. He comes across as so desperate and unpleasant.


Nah, he has the proper chops for talk radio, it's just that talk radio isn't much of a thing in the UK.  Lose favour with one station and you're pretty much done. TalkRadio used to be sort of alright in the 90s, but then it converted to TalkSport, and now it's returned it's just the audio equivalent of the Sun.  They'd never employ your Boyds or your Beadles these days


I do love Boyd and Iain Lee seems to be no Boyd


Quote from: EggsLikeABird on December 07, 2021, 04:32:27 PMHow much could he be paying his producer? He seems to be there all the fucking time with him. Im amazed there's enough money to keep him going let alone a producer.

There's no producer. The Twitch/Patreon shows are presented by him and his former producer Katherine Boyle (who takes female pronouns as far as I'm aware), the Radio Anywhere shows are just him.

Big Mclargehuge

Quote from: typeforty on December 08, 2021, 10:43:13 AMThere's no producer. The Twitch/Patreon shows are presented by him and his former producer Katherine Boyle (who takes female pronouns as far as I'm aware), the Radio Anywhere shows are just him.

I think thats been the biggest problem with everything they've done post talk radio (apathy aside)

Originally Iain would host and, most use a soundboard or browse the Internet. Kath would produce, finding content, steering the conversation and keeping Iain in line both from an Ofcom standpoint and in terms of not running *completely* rampant. And then there'd be a technical director (Sam,Eloise etc...) who's job it was to make sure everything was working, the sound levels were good, they'd manage the people who called in and generally make sure the show sounded good, worked and had interesting people coming in.

Now with it just being Iain and Kath in equal co-presenting roles Iains responsible for scheduling, content, call screening and the tech side of things alongside presenting. Kath steers things occasionally but otherwise seems to let Iain get on with things which means any layer of polish, curating or professionalism has kind of gone out of the window.

Nowadays they turn up when they want, spend 20-40 minutes running tech, idle over what they want to talk about that day and ban pretty much anyone who so much as wobbles slightly.

In an ideal world, Kath would run tech and plan the weeks content WELL in advance. But it just seems like messing around to me with an attempted veneer of professionalism largely based on their past work and not anything they've actually done in the last 2 years.

Honestly; I think him taking that twitch contract when he did was a massive wasted opportunity because it could have been a fresh start. Instead he went in with the mindset of "I'm doing this for 2 years and then I'm done" which has hung over the whole venture like some kind of prolonged funeral.