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My wife's got the covid and (so far) I've not

Started by justin_bennett, October 17, 2021, 01:50:22 PM

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Shit Good Nose

Quote from: SteveDave on October 24, 2021, 11:08:12 PM
My sense of taste went at about 6:30 this evening.

Not going to lie, I'm dreading falling asleep and then waking up dead.

When I (probably) had it end of 2019 there were genuinely (and I am being VERY sincere with this point) a couple of nights, before I was prescribed an inhaler, where I was genuinely (intentional word repetition) scared to go to sleep because my breathing was so shallow and laboured I honestly thought I was going to cark.

(/sincerity ends) On the plus side, I never lost my sense of taste, so I had that going for me.

Turns out my losing my sense of smell is just part of a nasty cold. Pray for me 🙏

Quote from: SteveDave on October 25, 2021, 09:51:43 AM
I'm still alive

Not to worry anyone, but I think this other Steve fella carked it before he could add the period to the end of his sentence



Quote from: Chedney Honks on October 24, 2021, 05:15:56 PM
Yeah, it wasn't great for a while but fortunately it's passed. Just a bit tired.

All the best with it when your turn comes.

Been and gone.

Next variant eh?

I expect I'll see you off around theta, and I will laugh till I'm sick over your twitching corpse.

Chedney Honks

If you go first, I'll just carry on doing whatever I'm doing.


So my girlfriend's got it. Can't smell anything and is coughing to a degree that, I must admit, I'm finding a bit annoying.

Since we spend all day every day sat next to each other (not saying owt or doing anything, just staring into space and occasionally trumping mainly) that must mean I'm pozzed up too? Guess we'll see.

Noodle Lizard

Quote from: imitationleather on November 09, 2021, 07:46:26 PM
So my girlfriend's got it. Can't smell anything and is coughing to a degree that, I must admit, I'm finding a bit annoying.

Since we spend all day every day sat next to each other (not saying owt or doing anything, just staring into space and occasionally trumping mainly) that must mean I'm pozzed up too? Guess we'll see.

At least the coughing is spicing up the usual routine!

Hope you stay well and that she recovers quickly.




Quote from: imitationleather on November 09, 2021, 07:46:26 PM
So my girlfriend's got it. Can't smell anything ....... occasionally trumping mainly

Every cloud eh.

Brian Freeze

Quote from: imitationleather on November 09, 2021, 07:46:26 PM
So my girlfriend's got it. Can't smell anything and is coughing to a degree that, I must admit, I'm finding a bit annoying.

Since we spend all day every day sat next to each other (not saying owt or doing anything, just staring into space and occasionally trumping mainly) that must mean I'm pozzed up too? Guess we'll see.

Best just post your cats to me then, before you get too sick to take the box to the post office.

Brian Freeze

I'm watching developments with a friend who is seemingly still planning on going on the piss up/walking weekend he's organised seeing as his wife has just tested positive. Interested to see who thinks it a good idea to actually meet up with him and also to see who she marries after the divorce.


Brian, hope you've impressed upon your friend what an absolute cunt he's being.


George Oscar Bluth II

Wait if you live with someone who gets the covid you don't have to isolate anymore? Fucking hell!


So crazy. I've had basically no symptoms whatsoever whereas the missus has been coughing her lungs up is all congested and ain't got no sense of taste.

If you were going to pick one of us to die of 'vid, you'd put your life savings on it being me but apparently underneath my extremely shonky exterior I must actually be in decent nick. Who knew?


Jeepers, IL. You watch her like a hawk, OK? Do you have a pulse oximeter? Worth getting one on Amazon.


She seems over the worst of it now but thanks for the suggestion.

What's especially strange is that I've been hospitalised with pneumonia in the past so I thought it'd hit me like a tonne of bricks.


Waiting for the PCR result but it's a near-certainty my eldest has it.

Claude the Racecar Driving Rockstar Super Sleuth

One of my housemates has had three positive LFTs this morning. They're taking a PCR later on, but it seems like a foregone conclusion. Worryingly, they're not vaccinated - they got scared off after a friend of theirs got seriously ill post-jab.

Our other housemate and I (both double jabbed) have had negative LFTs. I'm doing a second and ordered a home PCR one.

I don't know how were going to keep our distance, if needs be. Our house is rather small and you have to go through the living room and kitchen to get to the bathroom.


I am double jabbed but still managed to catch an unpleasant dose of the virus the week before last, been negative now for six days. Slightly worrying was that for a couple of days the bruise from the second jab flared up on my left arm. I suspect that I caught it from a dopey woman on a bus. She was coughing, unmasked and kept trying to close the windows. Stupidly during part of the journey I took my mask off.


Quote from: Claude the Racecar Driving Rockstar Super Sleuth on November 29, 2021, 02:03:57 PMOne of my housemates has had three positive LFTs this morning. They're taking a PCR later on, but it seems like a foregone conclusion. Worryingly, they're not vaccinated - they got scared off after a friend of theirs got seriously ill post-jab.

Our other housemate and I (both double jabbed) have had negative LFTs. I'm doing a second and ordered a home PCR one.

I don't know how were going to keep our distance, if needs be. Our house is rather small and you have to go through the living room and kitchen to get to the bathroom.

One issue I suspect is that the unvaccinated are also deliberately reckless regarding distancing and masking .. certainly that is an impression I am getting from the openely anti vaxers on assbook etc.

Claude the Racecar Driving Rockstar Super Sleuth

They're not ideologically anti-vax in general, as far as I know, but I do think they have been rather reckless throughout the pandemic. It's just my observation, but they seem to take a very 'letter of the law' approach to social distancing, etc.

I'm trying to remain positive (in attitude) about it all. They are my friend and really don't want them to get seriously ill, nor do I want to freak them out about about the possibility. At the same time though, I don't think they're taking this as seriously as they should and I can't help feeling a little resentful. I suggested they ought to wear a mask in the kitchen earlier and received a non-committal grunt in response.


Claude the Racecar Driving Rockstar Super Sleuth

Not counting any chickens, but it looks like we may have been lucky in our house. My infected housemate has had negative LFTs for the past two days and seems to have got away with only losing their sense of smell. Our other housemate and I have consistently come up negative, including the PCRs we did on Wednesday (although I do wonder what the point in taking those was, since we could have been infected while waiting for the results).

I still dearly wish Housemate One would get jabbed, but I can't see how they'll be convinced of the necessity now.

I have calmed down significantly over the last couple of days, but I was mildly freaking out and I feel a bit selfish about that. Other friends and family have caught the virus and I was worried for all of them, of course, but having it right here in the house has been the most worried I've felt since the pandemic began.