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Rough Night

Started by Lisa Jesusandmarychain, September 06, 2017, 11:27:18 PM

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Lisa Jesusandmarychain

The last time I went to the cinema was over two years ago. I saw the undemanding bad taste-lite American comedy " Vacation" remake with about three other people in a cinema in Weston-Super-Mare . Desolation thread worthy ? Anyways, my most recent cinemagoing experience since then has been watching undemanding bad taste slightly less lite American comedy " Rough Night", too see how comedic an actress Scarlets Johanssen could  be. I can confidently say her comedic acting skills were on a par with the convincingness  of top Elizabeth Banks' younger, plainer sisteralike Kate McKinnon's Australian accent.  The film whizzed by at a brisk 100 minutes and was not entirely unpredictable, garnering a genuine chuckle or two from the spartan audience. It's getting an absolute slating on IMDB.

Anyone else seen it? Opinions ?


QuoteInitial release: June 15, 2017 (Nigeria, Russia)

Avril Lavigne

I saw it last week.  I laughed a coupled of times but at best it was average and fairly tedious and at worst it was eye-rollingly faux-edgy with its meth dealers and gas station blowjobs.

I wouldn't blame any of the actresses for failing to get laughs as they just weren't given much to work with and no amount of comic acting chops could have made the script funny.  That said, Scarlett's awkward attempt at smiling at the end of her campaign ad was one of the few things I actually laughed at.

I also agree with Mark Kermode that there was a lack of chemistry between the leads that made it very difficult to buy into the idea that they were all old friends & would actually hang out together for any length of time.

One of the things that struck me as odd was the straight-up glorification of snorting lots of coke at a nightclub with friends with zero negative repurcussions.  I can't remember seeing something like that before in a super-mainstream comedy and I'm surprised it hasn't caused any sort of controversy.


"Very Bad Things: Answer the Call"?

Lisa Jesusandmarychain

Nowhere near as nasty and nihilistic as VBT( Now, *there* was a film that stuck to the courage of its convictions, it was banned in France, y' know ), a Disney version thereof, if anything. A comforting watch, with a nice, oh it's *him* ! moment, when him who played Liz Lemon from " 30 Rock" 's sleazy ex turned up, not playing against type at all.

(Not being sarcastic, he really wasn't.)

I was looking forward to this based on the cast but didn't engage with it at all.

Bizarrely tame and dull, and the stars who are definitely funny in other things suddenly weren't very funny at all. The whole film felt phoned in. And definitely agree that there was no chemistry between the friends, which rendered it all a bit pointless.


Quote from: Old Gold Tooth on September 07, 2017, 09:47:45 PM
And definitely agree that there was no chemistry between the friends, which rendered it all a bit pointless.
The casting here gives me that vibe too, a kinda weird mix of SNL types and Hollywood types; ScarJo and Illana Glazer are friends? Zoe Kravitz doing her mini-Lisa Bonet thing in a broad ensemble comedy?

I've been mixing this up with Girls Trip the whole time though, so it suffers by comparison where I can see that cast being tremendous fun.
